Death cab for Cutie, portada de la versión digital de El País hace un par de días con su vídeo on line, adelanta la tercera canción de su nuevo disco de “no guitarras” y fea portada, Codes and Keys. Los adelantos anteriores los podéis escuchar aquí.
La canción se llama “Home is a fire” y es más electrónica y oscura de lo que esperaba. De todo modos, es preciosa. Recordad que el disco se pone a la venta el 31 de mayo.
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22 October, 2015 at 18:43
i absolutly agree with this post. I am a 19 year old woman. I got my first tatto at the age of 16. I was riesad with great manners. I am a smart young woman with a bright future. I have never gotten in trouble with the law nor have i ever been gang related I was a cheerleader in high school. The negative view about tattos piss me off. If you looked at me you wouldnt even know i had tattoos. You would think i was just another bubbly cute girl. But if you look closer i actually have tattoos. Tattoos dont make a person good or bad. They are an expression of what the person feels. Sputnik you are wrong. Im not a freak, slave, prostitue or a jerk. I have tattoos because i think they are beautiful. I dont have any self-esteem issues. I think i am a very beautiful girl. My tattos represent the most important thing in my life which is my family. Maybe you should actually look at what the tattoo means rather than classify every tattood person as a thug or gangster. I am 19 years old with 2 tattoos and i have never even seen a gang member. So before you start classifying me as a thug maybe you should know more information about me