Tras “De la Monarquía a la Criptocracia”, llega “Amigos del género humano”, segundo adelanto de Año Santo, el segundo y próximo disco de Triángulo de Amor Bizarro que se podrá a la venta el 3 de mayo. “Amigos del género humano” sigue la línea ruidista habitual de la banda gallega y mantiene un nivel que justifica todas las expectativas que está generando Año Santo.
La canción se puede escuchar en el My Space del grupo o en Goear.
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11 December, 2015 at 14:43
One of the more interesting meiermos of a neuropsychology class that I took in college is finding out about the giant squid’s unique nervous system. It turns out that it has these absolutely colossal nerve cells with axons that stretch longer than any other animal known to be alive today. Apparently, a lot of the research on electric charge transmission from one end of a nerve cell to another comes from giant squid nerves harvested from their tissue. Most cells are so small that the best one can do is poke them a little; with these scientists can pratically attach clamps and measure the current It is a rather unusual solution to the problem of controlling such a large body in a liquid environment.
4 March, 2016 at 16:30
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25 March, 2016 at 14:19
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30 March, 2016 at 20:19
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31 March, 2016 at 19:57
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