2006 fue el año de Standstill. Con Viva la Guerra, un disco tan magnífico como poco accesible, coparon buena parte de las listas de lo mejor del año. Cuatro años después, vuelven con una apuesta igual de arriesgada, un triple EP conceptual titulado Adelante Bonaparte (una fábula circular). Los títulos de los tres capítulos, I.Algunos recuerdos significativos de Bonaparte, II. Bonaparte pasa de comerse el mundo a esconderse en una pequeña parcela y III. El corazón de Bonaparte despierta, resultan bastante indicativos en cuanto al contenido dramático de los temas que agrupan, un emotivo crescendo que en ocasiones resulta abrumador.
A pesar de que es casi un crimen no escuchar de forma íntegra los EPs, para no perder el efecto coceptual de la obra en su conjunto, el que quiera hacerse una idea de como suena Adelante Bonaparte, puede probar el streaming de varios temas que ha publicado la MTV. Ana Muñoz por su parte, ha colgado algunas letras.
“Adelante Bonaparte” (I)
standstill | Vídeos musicales MySpace
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22 October, 2015 at 18:52
I started tyinpg this earlier, then my computer freaked out on me and I lost it all, so here’s hoping for second time lucky!Although my parents are old enough to remember the Classic Series, as it’s called these days, neither of them were particularly into it, and actually my mum really didn’t like it at all because of those pesky Daleks invading her nightmares, so I most definitely didn’t grow up in a home that revered Doctor Who, or any other sci-fi for that matter. And, when I heard it was coming back in 2005, I dismissed it straight out of hand, outer space? Metal aliens? All sounds rather stupid to me. and didn’t watch it at all.A couple of weeks later, there was a slot on GMTV about the return of the Daleks and how they could now go up stairs. The bloke being interviewed firmly assured the viewer that it would be a moment of TV history. Being rather too forward thinking in my cynicism, I decided to watch it that weekend, because there’d surely be one day when I was 40, sat in a pub, everyone talking about this moment of supposed history, and I wanted to be able to ridicule it properly. And you may be able to guess from where this story’s going, but reluctantly, I sort of enjoyed it. Not all of it, I still thought shooty laser beams and sink plunger arms were completely daft, but there was just -something- about it.The next couple of weeks, I made sure I didn’t watch it in case I was further drawn in, but inevitably, after a while, there was nothing else on, so I thought I might as well put it on as it wasn’t HIDEOUS before, and really, I’ve not looked back. I can now look to my right and see my Doctor Who calendar, to my left and there’s a sonic pen from a sonic screwdriver toy set (no, I kid you not.), behind me there’s every Series 1 4 boxset, and a couple of the specials (hopefully getting the Winter ones for my birthday next week!), and my next door neighbour brought me along a Doctor Who Easter egg earlier today, saying I couldn’t resist, I know how much you love it! . I think it’s safe to call me a hardcore fan. Or a nutcase , if you will My point is that, I went from not even wanting to like Doctor Who, to wholly adoring it, and so I think it’s quite reasonable that you might be able to go from not getting it to thinking it’s quite good, once those stumbling blocks are out of the way.1) The dialogue that leaves you confused, I’m assuming, is the technobabble; all Medusa Cascades and Shadow Proclamations that make no sense at first. Never fear! The more you watch, the more you gather what these things are. And for things that you think I just can’t understand the episode being in the dark about this. , there is the brilliant where most things you could ever want to know about Doctor Who are explained.2) With the above said, try not to get too hung up on the science of it all. Rose said once, to paraphrase, that the Doctor likes to talk at a million miles an hour then look at the humans around him like they’ve just dribbled on themselves. We’re not necessarily meant to get all the science , because the Doctor is hundreds of years old and so knows a LOT of stuff that we don’t. Which is why the grins help to say the Doctor’s figured it out, but don’t ask how. 3) The Doctor Who universe DOES have its own sort of logic and rules. For instance, you can’t travel back on your own timeline, and some events in time are fixed , meaning they can’t be changed, and others are in flux, so they can be changed. Again, the more you watch, the more of the rules you pick up, and the more overall sense it all makes. And for the times when the writers forget their own rules, there’s the overriding, wibbley wobbley, timey wimey rule, which in layman’s terms means it’s too complicated for you to understand as a human, but it’s possible, honest! . 4) The emotion, the characters, the acting and the messages are what truly brought me in, and shape what my favourite episodes are. I have a funny feeling that you may have just seen the wrong episodes so far, because I agree, some are a bit empty not to say I dislike them, because it only takes a small amount of Eccleston being grumpy and sarcastic, or Tennant grinning or putting on the nerdy specs to make me happy but if they were my first episodes, I’d not think that highly of them. I honestly think though, once you get into the series more, just seeing the Doctor go on a new adventure is good, even if not the bestest thing ever. So maybe try and look at it as a drama first, and as a sci-fi series second?4) Where you can, start with an early episode from a series, if not the first. That way, the story arcs over the whole series are in the right order, and aren’t going to leave you wondering about what on earth that obscure, prophetic comment just now was all about. The majority of the episodes feed into the series finale, y’see.And going against my own advice a bit, here are some recommendations for first episodes to watch, not necessarily from early in a series:Series One, Episode Six Dalek this is the one that made me reluctantly like it. The first half isn’t amazing, but the end scenes with Rose and the Dalek, and then the Doctor, are what the show’s all about for me. A bit of emotion, people growing, learning to be kinder, but with a dash of alien thrown in for good measure.Christmas Special The Christmas Invasion David Tennant’s first episode, and easily one of the funniest and most fun ones too my other favourite aspects of the show.Series Three, Episode Ten Blink there’s not actually much of the Doctor or Martha in this one, but it’s very plotty, the scariest of them all, and if you’re not so sure how the time travel element can be made new and exciting after a couple of trips back and forth, this does it. In spades.Series Four, Episode Ten Midnight this one has a lack of obvious aliens, and plays on the psychological scares more than the monsters. This episode always seems more grown up to me, and looks a bit at group mentality, how people can turn on each other in a pressurised situation etc.I hope you do end up getting it , because it is a lovely, warm and fun series, but even if you don’t, you get my respect for trying. Oh, and lastly, I’m sorry for leaving such a long comment! Good luck.