Green Ufos presenta sus rebajas de navidad, cds desde 1,95 (Piano Magic, Harper Lee, T?l?fax, Yann Tiersen, Idaho…), camisetas a 9,95 (Dominique A).

?La ?ltima y definitiva oferta de Green Ufos durante el 2004!
Valida hasta 31/1/2005 ?No prorrogable!
Pedido m?nimo: 12 Euros (gastos de env?o no inclu?dos)
Para hacer un pedido, escribe ahora a
o llama al Tel?fono: 954376008 (Baldo)
Fax: 954379004.
(Por favor, si conoces a alguien que pueda estar interesado en este e-mail, p?salo)
9,95 Euros
Dominique A camiseta blanca XS / S / M / L / XL
Dominique A camiseta verde XS / S / M / L / XL
Programme camiseta negra M
Programme camiseta verde caqui S
8,95 Euros
Katerine: “8?me ciel” cd / green ufos
Little Rabbits: “La grande musique” cd / green ufos
Piano Magic: “The troubled sleep of Piano Magic” cd / green ufos
Russian Futurists: “Let’s get ready to crumble & the method of modern love” cd / green ufos
T?l?fax: “Des courbes de choses invisibles” cd / green ufos
6,95 Euros
Black Heart Procession: “Amore del tropico” doble lp / touch and go
M83: “Dead cities, red seas. lost ghosts” doble lp / Labels
VVAA: “A d?couvrir absolutment Vol.2” cd / green ufos
(Con Katerine, Czerkinsky, Oslo Telescopic & Dominique A, Keren Ann, Coralie Clement, Mobiil,…)
5,95 Euros
Black Heart Procession: “2” lp / touch and go
Enon: “High society” lp / touch and go
Coralie Clement: “Salle de pas perdus” lp / capitol
Die Moulinettes: “Alfa bravo charlie” doble lp / shado
Dirty Three: “She has no strings” lp / touch and go
Nina Nastasia: “Run to ruin” lp / touch and go
Nina Nastasia: “The blackened air” lp / touch and go
Shipping News: “Save everything” lp / quartestick
Yann Tiersen: “Goodbye Lenin” lp / Labels
4,95 Euros
Bed: “Spacebox” cd / labels
Bertrand Betsch: “B.B. Sides” cd / lithium
Die Moulinnette: “Alfa bravo charlie” cd / shado
Edson: “Unwind with edson” cd / summersound
Eggstone: “?a chauffe en suede” cd / tricatel
Emma: “Trade winds in a loft” cd / lithium
Jer?me Mini?re: “Petit Cosmonaute” cd / Tribu
Harper Lee: “Everything’s going to be ok” cd / canciones huerfanas
Happideadmen: “classics / a decade in pop” cd / summersound
Holden: “L’arriere-monde” cd / lithium
Jackie-O Motherfucker: “Change” cd / textile
Jean Louis Murat: “Le moujik et sa femme” cd / labels
La Fresto “?a va mieux, non?” cd / lithium
Lady & Bird: “s/t” cd / labels
Lasse Lindh: “You wake up at the sea tac” cd / labrador
Leslies: “s/t” cd / labrador
Little Rabbits: “Grand public” cd / rosebud
Little Rabbits: “Yeah!” lp / rosebud
Mendelson: “L’avant est devant” cd / lithium
Mendelson: “Quelque part” cd / lithium
Mendelson: “Seuls au sommet” cd / prohibited
Nima Majd: “For my kindred avalanche” cd / lithium
NLF3(Trio): “Viva!” cd / prohibited
NLF3(Trio): “Viva!” lp / prohibited
Perio: “Icy morning in Paris” cd / lithium
Perio: “Medium crash” cd / lithium
Piano Magic: “Speed the road, rush the lights” cdep / green ufos
Reminton Super 60: “Pling 2001” cd / shado
State River Widening: “Early music” cd / rocket girl
Superheroes: “Dancing casanova” cd / crunchy frog
VVAA: “Kingsize” cd / labrador
VVAA: “Harpshichord 2000” cd / shado
VVAA: “The men from organ” cd / shado
3,95 Euros
Aerospace: “The bright idea called soul” cd / summersound
Brigitte Fontaine: “Kekeland” cd / Virgin
Dogbowl: “Live on wfmu / cigars, guitars and topless bars” cd / lithium
Da Capo: “The Fruit” cd / autruche
Dj Me Dj You: “Rainbows & robots” cd / tricatel
Chasing Dorotea: “s/t” cd / summersound
Electronico: “Lounge at the chimney pavilion” cd / shado
Erik Arnaud: “Comment je vis” cd / labels
Micromars: “Metro” cd / shado
Orchestra Du Soleil: “A summerday by the lake” cd / shado
The Mopeds: “The land of the three” cd / crunchy frog
Starlet: “When sun falls on my feet” cd / labrador
Symphony: “Do not kiss” cd / tricatel
VVAA: “David design: from sweden with love” cd / labrador
VVAA: “Lounge Story” cd / le maquis
VVAA: “Source rocks” cd / source
VVAA: “The sound of young sweden 1” cd / summersound
VVAA: “The sound of young sweden 2” cd / summersound
Valvola & Dj Spectra: “Venus 69” cd / shado
2,95 Euros
Carmine: “D?parts” cd / karina square
Carmine: “Lumielle” cd / karina square
Couch Potatoes: “Cool ride” cd / le maquis
Enon: “In this city” maxi vinilo / touch and go
Idaho: “Levitate” cd / idaho
Idaho: “Hearts and palms” cd / idaho
Idaho: “people like us should be stopped” cd / idaho
Kim: “Our dolly lady lane in mk land” cd / karina square
Margo: “The catnap” cd / peter I’m flying
Mick Turner: “Moth” lp / Drag City
Mirabilia: “Mondomirabilia” lp / sleepin’ corporate
Per Mission: “A ritual loop” cd / Monitor
Silvain Vanot: “?gerie” cd / labels
Speedking: “The fist And The Laurels” cd (Tiger Style)
Suntanama: “Another” cd (Drag City)
Suntanama: “Another” lp / Drag City
Suntanama: “Suntanama” cd (Drag City)
Suntanama: “Suntanama” lp / Drag City
Valvola: “Teenagers fil their own life” cd / shado
Valvola: “Stereo happening” cd / shado
Valvola: “Discover another side of valvola” lp / shado
Valvola: “Teenagers fils their own life” lp / shado
VVAA: “Hostile 2000” cd / hostile
VVAA: “La gare lounge station” cd / le maquis
VVAA: “Rap sans visa” cd / le maquis
VVAA: “Residence 2001” cd / le maquis
VV.AA. “Survive & Advance” cd / Merge Records
(Incluye a East River Pipe, Ladybug Transistor, Lambchop, Portastatic,…)
1,95 Euros
Byrne: “Tidal Wave” cdep / rocket girl
Bertrand Betsch: “Ok Bertrand” cdep / labels
Corduroy Utd.: “s/t” cdep / summersound
Czerkinsky: “Saida” maxi vinilo / le maquis
Da Capo: “Look in your eyes” cdep / lithium
Domotic: “Bye bye” cd / active suspension
Eden & Apres: “s/t” cd / artefact
Enon: “Starcastic” cdsg / Touch And Go
Gel: “-1” cd / artefact
Kim: “Melodinsane” lp / nemo
Lasse Lindh: “Bruised” cdep / labrador
Laudanum: “System: on” cd / monopsone
Leslies: “Dear friend” cdep / labrador
Little Rabbits: “Ep” cdep / rosebud
Little Rabbits: “La piscine” cdep / rosebud
Mass: “Live a little” cdep / rocket girl
Mils: “echotones” cd/ goom
Navis: “Back!” cdep / rosebud
Olympia: “Le doute” cdep / rosebud
Retsin: “Cabin in the woods” cd / alice in wonder
Seluah: “Seluah” cd / Seluah Music
Shinju Gumi: “Disecting a ghost” cd / artefact
Shinju Gumi: “Remixing a ghost” cd / artefact
Subterraneans: “s/t” 10” vinilo / shado
Ultraliving: “Transfiguration” cd / artefact
Waltz For Debbie: “Once upon a time” cdsg / labrador
Zend Avesta: “Organique” cd / artefact
Más información:
Escrito por Flashman el 20 December, 2004